MAP 2017 Day 1

All students took the winter MAP reading test today. That means all other classes met only for half a hour. English I Honors students finished up yesterday’s work by looking at the Royal Shakespeare Company’s version of the balcony scene: English 8...
Outlining and the Balcony Scene

Outlining and the Balcony Scene

English 8 students worked on outlining in preparation for the project we’ll begin shortly on the habits of effective teens. Today we used a text about paradigms to practice our outlining. We focused using text elements like headings to determine how the basics...

Practice Test and Outlining

English I students finished up the first act of Romeo and Juliet. We had a practice test today to see what the actual test tomorrow will look like. English 8 students began combining skills, using outlining to summarize their current social studies chapter. (The...