Works Cited

First period completed a second round of MAP testing. We were unable to do anything else today. Second period began the Odyssey. We looked at elements of the epic form and discussed the background to the Odyssey. Fourth and sixth periods worked on creating...

Revision and Transitions

First period began revising their research papers. Fourth and sixth periods applied yesterday’s lesson to their own papers. EQs were the same as yesterday. No homework.

Second Draft

First period began working on their second draft by examining the second indicator of the PASS writing rubric and breaking it down into its individual parts. We did this for the first indicator some weeks ago; now we’re adding a second indicator: organization....

Works Cited and First Draft

First period began organizing for a “Works Cited” page. We took our original source cards and worked with our books and a partner to re-create them with the proper MLA format. Once we’re ready to make our actual “Works Cited” page,...

Still More Research

Today, first, fourth and sixth periods went to the library for some more research. We concentrated on using encyclopedias and, more importantly, documenting them. Tomorrow we have a big assignment due: the Anne Frank diary project. Hopefully everyone will turn it in....