Research and a Film

First and seventh periods concluded their research for the persuasive essay. Second period began planning and drafting their essays. Fourth period began watching the film adaptation of To Kill a Mockingbird. A painless day. Homework Fourth period: answer discussion...


All classes did research today. It was a relatively painless day for all involved. Homework None

Notes, Research, and Planning

First and seventh periods completed notes about persuasive techniques. We’ll be applying those techniques next week as we begin our mini-project on persuasive writing. Second period began researching for the project. Fourth period looked at issues of...

Library and Consultation

First, second, and seventh periods spent most of the class in the library. It was a fairly successful day: I was able to consult with individual students about their poetry projects. Fourth period continued research. Some students might need to do additional research...

Persuasion and Research

First and seventh periods presented their persuasive presentations to see who would win the bit of free time at the end of their class on Monday. We also watched a clip of Derren Brown, the absolute master of persuasion. Second period went over persuasive techniques....