Narrow War

For the pass week or so in first, second, and sixth periods, we’ve learned how to do research and narrow down presentations. The presentation is on World War II. We have to pick a topic about WWII and narrow our topic down until our presentation had one clear...


First, second, and sixth periods began the process of narrowing their research topic. All students begin with the same general framework: World War Two. By tomorrow (in class), they will need to have a sufficiently narrowed topic. Fourth period had a catch-up reading...

Reseach and Point of View

First, second, and sixth periods began working on a research/informational-text unit in review for the PASS test coming in two weeks. We began gathering topics for a short presentation that will be given after testing. Fourth period continued with Great Expectations,...


In second and sixth periods today we watched some of  the Anne Frank  movie. We watched parts we didn’t get to see. We watched the movie so we can learn more about  World War Two. In class during the movie we had to write down twenty questions we wanted to know...