Love and Researching Heroes

Love and Researching Heroes

First and fifth periods began the final research and writing project for Diary of Anne Frank. They are researching one of the following individuals who played a role in the Holocaust during World War Two. Frieda Adam Varian Fry Guido de Gorgey Wilm Hosenfeld Oskar...
Resource Evaluation and Planning

Resource Evaluation and Planning

First and fifth periods completed two mini-projects in the computer lab today. First, they used the now-famous CRAP Test to evaluate three web resources while answering one of the questions they from their Holocaust KWL chart (from last week). After they evaluated...
Web Resource Evaluation and

Web Resource Evaluation and

First and fifth periods covered the evaluation of web resources. We also did the associated practice and began evaluating resources using the same graphic organizer we’ll be using on Monday. Second and fourth periods worked on their Odyssey projects. We’ll...