Emapthy and Revolution

First and fifth periods completed yesterday’s work on adding citations to quoted sources. We also turned our attention back to “Flowers for Algernon,” reading a moving progress report that shows Charlie’s empathetic tendencies. Afterward, we...
Citations and Fate

Citations and Fate

First and fifth periods returned to the question of quotes, specifically working on in-text citations as we approach the end of “Flowers for Algernon” and begin our research project. Second and fourth periods finished up the Romeo and Juliet classwork by...

Final Lab Work and 2.2

First and fifth periods completed the research project for the Diary of Anne Frank unit. Second and fourth periods went through the prologue and first scene of act two. Homework First and fifth periods: if you have not turned in your project at...

Exam and Research

First and fifth periods continued with the research and writing project for Holocaust heroes. We’ll finish up tomorrow. Second and fourth periods had the midterm today. We had to put of the Romeo and Juliet quiz until tomorrow. Additionally, students can...