Ballads, Propaganda, and Persuasion

First period examined propaganda, specifically looking at pre-war Nazi propaganda. We looked at cartoons from Julius Streicher’s anti-Semitic magazine, Der Stürmer. We also saw examples of propaganda in postage stamps and propaganda for the kids. We’ll finish up...
Test, Voice, and Political Ads

Test, Voice, and Political Ads

First period worked on voice in the first chapters of Nightjohn. We used several quotes to begin looking at how word choice helps create a writer’s voice. Second and sixth periods had their parts of speech test. Fourth period finished up the bias unit with a...
Voice, Propaganda, and Review

Voice, Propaganda, and Review

First period began Nightjohn. We’ll slowly begin incorporating discussions of and exercises about voice and sentence structure. Second and sixth periods reviewed for the test tomorrow on the parts of speech. Fourth period turned to old cigarette commercials for...