Tests and More PASS Practice

First, second, and seventh periods all had a test on nouns, pronouns, and adjectives. We spent the remainder of the time going over examples of PASS writing test responses, evaluating and discussing the individual essays’ strengths and weaknesses. Fourth period...


First and second periods were taken up with the ITBS. Our team switched second and fourth period, so second period met during the fourth period slot. We did the second part of our parts of speech review (pronouns). Seventh period completed work on the addition of...

Two Plays and Some Pronouns

First period finished up pronouns. We went through the final groups very quickly: my goal is only to have them be able to recognize them in sentences, not necessarily to identify the type of pronouns. Seventh period is about 20 minute behind first period. Second...

Pronouns, Reviews, and A Boy on the Floor

First and seventh periods worked on reflexive and intensive pronouns. First period completed everything; seventh period needs to work on practice exercises. Additionally, first and seventh periods were assigned journals. First, second, and seventh periods are now...

Personal Pronouns and Shakespeare

Fourth period began working on tableau vivants (Wikipedia) for act three, scene one. We’ll be presenting them tomorrow. We have heavy homework coming up this weekend, though: three scenes from act three (two, three, and four). First and seventh periods continued...