Final Preparation

First period finished up the rubric for their project, and we worked on the project just a bit. We had a little relaxation at the end of the period. Second and sixth periods spent a final day of preparing for Monday’s project turn in. The rubric for second and...

For Monday

The class was to finish their rubric and turn it in today. The project is due Monday when they get back from Thanksgiving Break. If not finished please work on it during the break. Homework Finish project
Defining and Planning

Defining and Planning

Image via Wikipedia First and fourth period were both engaged in inductive reasoning to come up definitions. First period has been defining propaganda. After looking at specific examples of Nazi propaganda yesterday, we came up with a class list of characteristics of...

Odyssey Project Rubric

The rubric for the Odyssey board game project is complete. I’ve made a few modifications to the class-produced rubric: it’s basically what you all created (well done!) with a few clarifications and edits. Student editing of the wiki we used to create the...