Finishing Projects

Today in second and seventh period we were finishing the Mary Todd Lincoln project. We were finding our claims, counter claims, and our rebuttals. Homework
Text Marking and Project Work

Text Marking and Project Work

Second and seventh periods did some heavy lifting today, working with extensive close reading and text marking for Flowers for Algernon. We first worked to mark the text for unknown words and context clues. We then worked to determine the text structure. First and...

Climaxes and Final Drafts

First and fourth periods are nearing the end of Romeo and Juliet, looking today at the question of climax and how directors create it in productions. To that end, we watched and briefly analyzed two versions 5.3, the ultimate act of the play. Second and seventh...

Annotated Example

There is an annotated example (i.e., all the mistakes are pointed out) version of Mr. Scott’s example paragraph for “Decoration Day” that you should look at before you begin assessing others’...