Metaphors and a Project

Metaphors and a Project

English I Honors students continued working on the Romeo and Juliet project. We’ll have a couple of more days’ work in-class this week before the semester exam on Friday. English 8 students worked on “Because You Asked” from yesterday, with...
First Day Back

First Day Back

English I Honors students worked on their Romeo and Juliet projects, which will be due next Thursday (January 12). We also went over the mid-term exam, which is coming up this week. We might be moving it back to Friday due to a scheduling conflict. English 8 students...

Inferences and Project Work

English 8 students did their usual Friday inference and article of the week work. Any student that didn’t complete inference practice four need to do so this week or over the weekend. English I Honors students worked on their project by assessing students’...