Tone and Review

Tone and Review

English I students continued with tone, looking at Billy Collins’s poem “Forgetfulness.” We determined the tone after a bit of work and learning a new word: flippant. English 8 students had a quick review of Schaffer organizational techniques as we...
Tone and Accuracy

Tone and Accuracy

English I went over tone in “Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night” to create a procedure for determining tone in a piece of writing (in this case, a poem). We also used the poem “My Papa’s Waltz” and the incorrect interpretation we...
Connotation and Fragments

Connotation and Fragments

Third period began looking at connotation and its role in poetry. We began examining Robert Hayden’s “Those Winter Sundays” as we develop an understanding of this important concept. Sundays too my father got up early and put his clothes on in the...