First and seventh periods began with vocabulary for completing the Diary of Anne Frank. Afterward, we completed the first scene of the second act. We know that “Carl” has proposed a raise after suggesting there was a door in Mr. Kraler’s office to...
Students in first and seventh periods used a graphic organizer to learn what tone is and how characters in the Diary of Anne Frank exhibit it. Fourth period completed the sonnet and lyric poem forms today. Homework First and seventh periods: none. Fourth: revise...
First, second, and seventh periods completed the first act of the Diary of Anne Frank. We’ll wrap up loose ends tomorrow and probably have a quiz on it Wednesday before starting act two. Fourth period began their poetry projects. The first pair almost completed...
First, second, and seventh periods completed the second scene from Diary of Anne Frank. After reading the scene, we looked closely at how much information can be inferred from a few passages of the dialogue. [nggallery id=16] We’ll be taking a break tomorrow for...
First period finished up “Runagate Runagate”, looking at one passage in particular. Moon so bright and no place to hide, the cry up and the patterollers riding, hound dogs belling in bladed air. And fear starts a-murbling, Never make it, we’ll never...
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