Research and Poetry

First period began doing a bit of research. Since a significant amount of our research will be online, we had a presentation from our media specialist about evaluating websites. Second period continued with the poetry project presentations. The second group looked at...

A Quiz, Some Questions, and First Presentation

First period finished The Diary of Anne Frank. We took a moment to look at a scene from the Disney adaptation: the arrest of the Franks. The students were literally breathless as the SS officers stormed into the building. Fourth and sixth periods took a quiz on the...

Apt Adjectives and Final Preparation

Second period finished up their in-class preparation time for their student-teaching projects. The first group, covering meter and rhyme, will be launching their project tomorrow. First, fourth, and sixth periods focused on improving their “We Are Anne”...

More Preparation and the End of Act I

First period looked at the question of internal and external motivation as Peter and Anne grow closer in The Diary of Anne Frank. Fourth, and sixth periods, with the completion of their homework, will have finished the first act of The Diary of Anne Frank tomorrow....

Revision and Preparation

First, fourth, and sixth periods worked on revising some of their diary entries for: clarity of content; descriptive details; and sentence variety. Students looked at each other’s work to find elements that could be improved, then worked in pairs to improve...