Poetry, the Odyssey, and a Mistaken Allusion

Poetry, the Odyssey, and a Mistaken Allusion

First things first: I made a blunder during second period. We were looking at Odysseus’s journey to the underworld and his meeting with Tiresias. I mentioned the two famous victims of the underworld, Tantalus and Sisyphus; I elaborated on Sisyphus and the...

Poetry and Research

First period worked on poetry. Specifically, we finished up the selections by Jacqueline Woodson and began the next collection of three poems. Second period spent some time in the library doing research for their cyclops poem and project. Fourth and sixth periods...

Describing Someone and the Cyclops

First, fourth, and sixth periods worked on poetry, specifically Jacqueline Woodson’s “Describe Someone.” We practiced as a class revising lines to add alliteration and consonance. Students will be doing the same to their own poems for homework....
Poetry, Poetry, Poetry Everywhere

Poetry, Poetry, Poetry Everywhere

All classes are working on poetry. First period has spent a couple of days doing a refresher on the basic elements of poetry. We’ll have a quiz tomorrow. Fourth and sixth periods began poetry today. We took a leisurely time discussing poetry and what it is for...

Citation Practice and Poetry

First period began the poetry unit by looking at several elements of poetry, including: consonnance assonance alliteration simile metaphor personification Second period began reading the Odyssey after we had a quiz on it. Fourth and sixth periods completed their work...