Exploring and Reciting

Exploring and Reciting

Image via Wikipedia First period had the Explore test. Information is available here about the test. Testing went a little longer than anticipated, so we didn’t have second period today. Because I didn’t want sixth period to get ahead, we did some writing...

Library and Consultation

First, second, and seventh periods spent most of the class in the library. It was a fairly successful day: I was able to consult with individual students about their poetry projects. Fourth period continued research. Some students might need to do additional research...

Imagery, Persuasion, and Newspaper Articles

First and seventh periods finished up the poetry units with a look at imagery and a final poem. Second period began a short unit on persuasive writing. First and seventh periods will start tomorrow. Fourth period began a short writing project to wrap up To Kill a...

Finally Friday

Everyone was thankful it’s Friday — including me. Homework First and seventh periods: complete ballad. Second period period: complete ballad; complete month poem. Fourth period: finish To Kill a Mockingbird; evaluate poetry project according to the...

More Ballads

First, second, and seventh periods are still working on ballads. They’re finding it more challenging than they initially assumed: the rigors of structured poetry, with a set meter and rhyme scheme, can be daunting at first. Fourth period went over the missionary...