Persuasive Blues and Sonnets

First, second, and sixth periods took a Friday off from heavy lifting (to varying degrees: one period had some problems getting themselves together): we looked at a blues song that actually employs a couple of persuasive techniques. We then helped the bluesman out by...
Bias, Persuasion, and the Sonnet

Bias, Persuasion, and the Sonnet

First period reviewed the notes from reading yesterday. Yesterday’s lesson was a two-fold lesson: first, they got information about bias; second, they worked on note-taking skills. Yet the second objective can foil the first, so we made sure everyone knew what...

Persuasion and Poetry

First period finished up notes on bias. We’ll do some work with it in class tomorrow, finishing up the week with propaganda. Second and sixth periods were introduced to the Moodle site I run ( They worked on identifying persuasive...

Lanyards, Vocab, and Online Work

First period received their introduction to our Moodle installation at We worked on persuasive techniques, reviewing them and identifying them. Second and sixth periods went over some vocabulary for the persuasion unit. Fourth period read...
The Argument and the Steps

The Argument and the Steps

Image by Getty Images via @daylife What a coincidence: all classes are beginning new units within a day of each other: first period began a unit on persuasion on Monday; second and sixth periods began the same unit on Tuesday; fourth period began a unit on poetry...