First Day Back

First Day Back

Welcome back! I’m thrilled to get back to work, and I know everyone else is, too. (And I am not being sarcastic: I wouldn’t joke about my commitment to education.) First period began a several-week experimental writing workshop model. We went over how...

Timed Writing 2 and Sound Devices

We worked on a second round of timed writing for first, second, and sixth periods. Fourth period began a two-day look at sound devices in poetry. Homework First period: complete timed writing. Second and sixth periods: none. Fourth period: check back around 5:00 this...

Figurative Language and Presentations

Second and sixth periods used a figurative language graphic organizer in examining similes, metaphors, and personification in three poems. Fourth period continued poetry presentations. We’ll have the final presentations tomorrow, after which we’ll do a...