First and sixth periods took a test on the short stories unit. We’ll begin the poetry unit tomorrow. Second and fourth periods looked at tonal shifts in poetry. We examined two poems by Billy Collins (“Forgetfulness,” available here, and “The...
First and sixth periods had a review for the test. We used the “Someone Wanted But So” engagement as a way both to review select stories and to provide a gauge of understanding for tonight’s studying. Second and fourth periods worked on tone in...
First and sixth periods worked with theme. Second and fourth periods completed their look at consonance, assonance, and rhyme. Seventh period began a long narrative poem that we all remember from middle school, “The Highwayman.” Homework First and sixth...
First and sixth periods continued working with short stories. We’ll be finishing up the unit tomorrow and preparing for Tuesday’s test on Monday. Second and fourth periods began looking at the musicality of poetry, specifically be examining sound devices....
Every single class completed group work. To that end, we set the desks in quads during first period and they stayed that way until the end of the day. First and sixth both completed Alphabet Story rewrites of the stories we’d worked on yesterday in class. It was...
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