
English 8 Strategies students (first and fifth periods) worked on a final Schaffer model paragraph. We will begin using them in our general writing next week. Fourth and sixth period students (English I Honors) reviewed the steps we had yesterday as well as the poem...
Argument and Poetry

Argument and Poetry

As it’s Monday, English 8 Strategies students returned to the argument. We looked at a new murder mystery for students to solve and had some pair work as students developed an argument about the murder of Amy LaTour. English I Honors students began the new unit...

Photograph from September 11

By Wislawa Szymborska They jumped from the burning floors— one, two, a few more, higher, lower. The photograph halted them in life, and now keeps them above the earth toward the earth. Each is still complete, with a particular face and blood well hidden. There’s...

More Ballads and Discussions

First and fourth periods studied another ballad titled the “Ballad of Birmingham,” which is about the Sixteenth Street bombing in Birmingham, Alabama in 1963. We compared the “Ballad of Birmingham” to yesterday’s ballad, “Boots of...