Tone and Socratic Seminar

Tone and Socratic Seminar

English I Honors continued with tone, examining Collins’s “The Lanyard.” To help students understand the poem, we looked at a public reading of the poem Collins gave. English 8 Strategies began working on their final quarter project, which will be an...
Sound Devices and Complex Sentences

Sound Devices and Complex Sentences

English 8 Strategies students worked today on sentence variety since it’s Wednesday (and we all know what Wednesday means: writer’s craft!), and both classes had an excellent session as we looked at complex sentences and how to form them. I’d like...

Connotations and a Test

English 8 Strategies completed a test on the Schaffer model and the argument today, and creative writing continued working on individual student projects, including material for the main Hughes web site. English I Honors students looked at connotation and the role it...
Advice and a Quiz

Advice and a Quiz

English I Honors students finished the first poetry lesson, a two-and-a-half-day lesson (though only planned as a two-day lesson) covering the EQ “How is poetry different from other forms of writing?” We returned to Collins’s poem “Introduction...