Today in class we started off the day by getting with a partner and comparing last nights homework.We also started another sonnet; Sonnet 130.We got to do a fun activity which was to draw how we thought mistress looked like based on the sonnet.We also took notes on...
Today in English I class we finished up paraphrasing Sonnet 29. We also began working on Sonnet 18 and figured out what it meant and started paraphrasing it with a partner. HomeworkEnglish I Honors: You will need to finish up figuring out what Sonnet 18 was about...
Today in class we made an insanely long sentence by adding words after words to create it.We also made our first encounter with Shakespeare, we read Sonnet 29 and divided up the sonnet by creating two lists to understand how each part modifies a certain thing. Here...
English I Honors students are approaching the end of the poetry unit by looking at villanelles today. They used inductive reasoning (specifics to general) to determine what a villanelle is. To get a headstart on the second quarter, students can finish the poem they...
English I Honors finished up with Collins’s “The Lanyard” and moved toward the end of our work on tonal shift and the lyric moment by looking at Elizabeth Bishop’s “One Art,” my personal favorite. We will finish with “One...
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