Odd Day

Odd Day

Because of the situation with the buses, we had quite an odd day today. English 8 classes were missing a fair number of people, so we spent the day making up back work. English I Honors had enough students that I felt comfortable moving ahead, so we began looking at...

Chapter 6 and Villanelles

English I Honors students looked at their first formal poetic form, the villanelle. We came up with a few rules for villanelles after looking at three of them, including a poem we’d already explored. English 8 students read chapter 6 of Nightjohn and began...

Forgetfulness and Chapter 5

English I Honors students finished up Collins’s “Forgetfulness,” and learned a little something more at the end of the class. The name of the author is the first to go followed obediently by the title, the plot, the heartbreaking conclusion, the...
Tonal Shift and a Quiz

Tonal Shift and a Quiz

English I Honors students continued working with tone to see what the tonal shift and accompanying lyric moment of a poem is. English 8 students took a quiz on chapter four after reviewing the in-class work of the last few days and working on the article of the week....

Tone and Chapter 4

English I Honors continued with tone, looking at “My Papa’s Waltz” after finishing “Do Not Go Gently.” English 8 students continued with Nightjohn — sprinting to the finish. HomeworkEnglish 8 Studies: none.English I Honors: ...