English I Honors worked on mastering the Homeric simile, something that’s initially fairly but deceptively straightforward. Close reading, in other words. English 8 students had a final day of practice with figurative language. We’ll finish up poetry in...
English 8 students had a second day of figurative language practice while finishing up the small poetry analysis assignment we’ve been working on. We went over yesterday’s practice before we got started, and we’ll do the same tomorrow as we get ready...
English I Honors students looked at one final version of Calypso, a song by Suzanne Vega: We’ll be wrapping up Calypso tomorrow with a brief discussion — probably Socratic-seminar-ish. English 8 students continued with figurative language by having some...
English I Honors began looking at the question of how various artists using various media over various centuries have re-imagined Calypso. We looked at the etymology of Calypso’s name: The etymology of Calypso’s name is from kalypto, meaning “to...
After building some background knowledge, English I Honors students finally began reading the Odyssey. Sing in me, Muse, and through me tell the story of that man skilled in all ways of contending, the wanderer, harried for years on end, after he plundered the...
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