Poetry Beginnings

Poetry Beginnings

We began a new unit today in which we’ll be studying poetry, working specifically to develop skills necessary to parse and to understand a poem. We went over the first of several steps on how to understand (a poem). (The “a poem” parenthetical...


Every class had a test today: English I Honors kids too a test on clauses and verbs while English 8 kiddos had a test on poetry and figurative language.   HomeworkEnglish 8:  work on IXL as needed; work on one-pager (Google Classroom) as needed; work on AOW...
Test Prep for Everyone

Test Prep for Everyone

After going over our diagramming homework (look at that beast below), we worked on test review for tomorrow. English 8 students worked on review for their own test tomorrow. HomeworkEnglish 8:  work on figurative language practice on Moodle as necessary; work on...
Connotation and Noun Clauses

Connotation and Noun Clauses

English 8 students finished working with connotation in Robert Hayden’s “Those Winter Sundays.” Sixth period didn’t quite finish as much as fifth period due to a fire drill, so we’ll have to catch up tomorrow. English I Honors finished up...