Plot, Planning, and Project: An Alliterative Day

First period began planning their memoir. I provided an example and discussed how to use the tool (a graphic organizer available here). Second and sixth period began a review of the elements of plot as we read Nightjohn. We’ve stopped right in the middle of the...
Release from the Mystery

Release from the Mystery

Two mysteries solved: what is Release (The Giver) and who is Pip’s benefactor (Great Expectations). Now both classes can sigh in relief. First and seventh periods went over the plot of the “Mach 1930” section of The Glory Field. We worked on the...

Reviewing Words, Notes, and Roles

First and seventh periods reviewed some vocabulary words, and we began looking at how we’ve used our reader’s journals over the weekend to summarize our reading. First period also began working on a review of the structure of a plot. Fourth period worked...