Notes, Research, and Planning

First and seventh periods completed notes about persuasive techniques. We’ll be applying those techniques next week as we begin our mini-project on persuasive writing. Second period began researching for the project. Fourth period looked at issues of...

Persuasion and Research

First and seventh periods presented their persuasive presentations to see who would win the bit of free time at the end of their class on Monday. We also watched a clip of Derren Brown, the absolute master of persuasion. Second period went over persuasive techniques....

Persuasion and Newspaper Articles

First and seventh periods prepared persuasive presentations as part of a two-day anticipatory set for our very short persuasive writing unit. They prepared persuasive arguments in an effort to win a bit of free time at the end of class next week. Second period is one...
Editing Maslow

Editing Maslow

First, fourth, and sixth periods used the sentence revision techniques we’ve worked on during the week to revise their persuasive essay on capital punishment. Additionally, students began double-checking that they’d supplied three arguments in their...
Discussion and Editing

Discussion and Editing

First period did some small group work to complete the mini-unit of sentence revision that we’ve been working on this week. We’ll be applying all we’ve learned to our essays on capital punishment tomorrow. Second period had a guest teacher, and we...