Combining, Run-ons, and Allegory

First period worked on combining sentences. We’ll be applying all our new editing techniques to our persuasive essays for the last couple of days of this week. Second period began the unit on Lord of the Flies. We started by looking at allegories and the best...

Learning WordPress

First, fourth, and sixth periods began using WordPress for our class blog: We’ll be finishing up Monday with our first posts (persuasive pieces on the death penalty), and we’ll be publishing some next week. Those who have...


First, fourth, and sixth periods worked on persuasive writing and their introductions. Additionally, sixth period spent a bit more time doing research.

More Research

First, fourth, and sixth periods did more research today. Second period had a day of catch-up.

Capital Punishment

As part of a cross-curricular project with Ms. Green, the social studies teacher, students in first, fourth, and sixth periods will be spending this week working on social position papers about the capital punishment. Today, we discussed the issue and made lists of...