Suitors, Flaming Mice, and Figurative Language

First period began the last section of poetry for the week: imagery. We looked at one particularly amusing poem called “The Country” by former US Poet Laureate Billy Collins (Wikipedia overview). I particularly like Collins’ work. His poetry is very...
Figurative Language Completion and Hospitality

Figurative Language Completion and Hospitality

Everyone, once again, was working on poetry today. First period finished looking at figurative language today. We ended by adding a poem to the poetry project list of required poems: a poem about urban and/or rural life. (All three poems we read for figurative...
Poetry and Homeric Similes

Poetry and Homeric Similes

First period finished up the mini-unit on sound devices and moved on to figurative language: simile, metaphor, and personification. We began by looking at one poem (“Concrete Mixers”) in pairs for examples of all three forms of figurative language....

Poetry Review

No update yesterday as I was at home sick. Today, fourth and sixth periods went over a review of sound devices and the three poems we used to learn about them. Second period reviewed the first part of the...
Scylla, Charybdis, and Sound Devices

Scylla, Charybdis, and Sound Devices

Second period read one of the most famous episodes in the entire Odyssey: the Sirens, and the passage between Scylla and Charybdis. First period continued working on sound devices. We also switched at the end of class from examining the language of the poems to...