Planning and Visualizing

Planning and Visualizing

Students in first and fifth periods did a close reading of a text describing Anne Frank’s hiding place and worked in partners to sketch a floor plan from the text. We began with the main office building, working as a class to figure out just how to examine the...
Medias Res and Effective Reading

Medias Res and Effective Reading

First and fifth periods, after working on their unit diaries, worked on effective reader skills by doing a group Think Aloud, which in reality was more of variant of Say Something. Still, it provided students with a chance to improve the frequency and quality of their...
Anticipation and Completion

Anticipation and Completion

First and fifth periods finished up the work on heroes yesterday, developing checklists of qualities and examples before creating as groups one-sentence definitions of “hero.” Afterward, we moved to an anticipatory writing lesson on the Holocaust in...
Finishing Up, Squared

Finishing Up, Squared

First and fifth periods finished up the Nightjohn unit, writing their final draft of the review of the book and/or film. We’ll begin a new unit on Monday. Second and fourth periods completed their close reading of “Wrapped Around Your Finger.”...