New Starts All Around

New Starts All Around

All classes started new units today. English I Honors will be working on the Odyssey while English Studies students work on The Glory Field. English Strategies students will be joining the Studies students after a brief (1.5 week) refresher for the MAP test coming up...
Text Marking and Project Work

Text Marking and Project Work

Second and seventh periods did some heavy lifting today, working with extensive close reading and text marking for Flowers for Algernon. We first worked to mark the text for unknown words and context clues. We then worked to determine the text structure. First and...
MAP Prep and Hero Mapping

MAP Prep and Hero Mapping

First and fourth periods worked on a mini-project to conclude the Odyssey. We’re applying Joseph Campbell’s Hero with a Thousand Faces to various films that have the hero/journey motif. Second and seventh periods had a short MAP overview followed by a bit...
Double Do’s and Don’t’s

Double Do’s and Don’t’s

First and Fourth periods learned about cultural laws and do’s and don’t’s before applying it to a text from the textbook about hospitality in ancient Greek culture and its role in the Odyssey. Second and fourth periods returned the the question of...