Friday Work and Narratives

English I Honors students continued working on their narratives in our flipped-classroom experiment. English 8 students worked on their Friday inference work (see lesson plans at right). HomeworkEnglish 8 Studies: none.English I Honors: view the narrative...
Close Reading and Narrative Writing

Close Reading and Narrative Writing

English 8 Strategies students continued with their narratives. We should be completely done with the preparatory work by tomorrow, though many students are already done. We’ll spend next week writing the narratives and revising them. Fourth period English I...


Today was a day of catching up and getting our feet under us. English 8 Strategies students continued with the STEAM unit we’ve begun, creating a narrative. Students worked on their projects, picking up wherever they’d left off last period. English I...

Finishing Up Drafts and Resting

5 school days left First and fifth periods spent another day drafting their choice narratives, the final project of the 2012/2013 school year. Second and fourth periods continued with Monster. Both classes have completed the actual cases and will begin tomorrow...