19 First period worked on the PASS practice, all of which will be due Monday. (The preceding link is to a zip file of all the practice tests that will be required for turn in Monday.) We also took a bit of a break by watching the film version of “Flowers for...
20 First period completed “Flowers for Algernon.” They completed the reading and worked on inferring and point of view analysis. Second and sixth periods worked on the research for their paper on Great Expectations. Sixth period began a unit on the Walter...
5 Today was the final day with a regular schedule. First, second, and sixth periods continued with Monster, almost finishing it. Fourth period worked on in-text citations for their research project. Homework First, second, and sixth periods: study for exam. Fourth...
6 Fourth period had the End of Course exam today. Most, if not all, students felt it was less challenging than they were expecting. We should have the results by Thursday. First, second, and sixth periods continued with Monster. The State rested and now the defense is...
7 First, second, and sixth periods continued with Monster. We heard a great deal of testimony that points toward Steve’s guilt, but the defense also did a good job of throwing some of that testimony into question. Fourth period worked on the “Works...
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