Friday Work

Friday Work

We did some work on clauses again today in English I, then shifted to sentence types, covering simple and compound sentences. English 8 had an end-of-unit-get-everything-caught-up day. And lastly, a picture from my past. Where I lived on this day in 2003....

Clauses and Lit Circles

English 8 students are still finishing up their first round of lit circle work. We’ll be debriefing tomorrow to make a plan for improving the next time we do it. English I Honors students debriefed their first full lit circle and came up with some good ideas of...


All students are currently engaged in lit circles: English I Honors students are using them to work through To Kill a Mockingbird and English 8 students are using them to go through a brief text about Harriet Tubman. English I students also began examining sentence...