A Day of Conclusions

First and seventh period completed the allotted time for the Bluford literature circle. We’ll be having a test on Friday. Second period finished reading/acting Much Ado About Nothing. We’ll be starting the project — memorizing and acting a scene from...

Literature Circles and More Shakespeare

Advancing yesterday’s improvement: first and seventh period were to complete the first unit for their literature circles. While most students in first period completed the work, many in seventh period chose to spend their class time engaging in less productive...

Shakespeare and Literature Circles

Two of the four classes are now working on Shakespeare: second period (Much Ado About Nothing) and fourth period (Romeo and Juliet). Second period finished up act I. I also added a new assignment to second period’s plate: journals. The requirements: Write daily....

Intro Lit Circles and More

First and seventh periods began working on their literature circles. We looked at the invididual roles they’ll be playing and brainstormed what a good discussion looks like. Second period completed their peer evaluations of their persuasive essays. We’ll...