Final Lit Circles and Skimming

Final Lit Circles and Skimming

English 8 students worked on The Diary of Anne Frank, evolving our reading into a lit circle format, which will take us through the end of the year. English I Honors students heard positively sacrilegious words from Mr. Scott today — sacrilegious for an English...

Pre-Trial and Lit Circles

English I Honors continued with the lit circles for To Kill a Mockingbird, looking at two issues (whether or not Atticus made a good decision in representing Robinson considering the potential risk to his family and what the role of Calpurnia is in the novel) in...

Lit Circles All Around

All classes worked on lit circles today. English I students continued with the Mockingbird circles. We’ll be moving on to the next section of readings shortly, but we’ll be taking them one chapter at a time as we’ve reached the trial scene —...

MAP Prep and First Circles

English 8 students began a three-day whirlwind MAP preparation by filling in a topic we really hadn’t worked on to this point this year, determining the main idea of a nonfiction text. English I students, after turning in their narratives, had their first lit...