English 8 students worked on their lit group readings of chapter four of Nightjohn. We’ll be finishing up the chapter tomorrow. English I Honors students worked on their final paragraph for their final assignment before the major project. HomeworkEnglish 8...
15 school days left English 8 students began scene four after looking at the conflicts already present in the play. English I Honors students worked on a phrase review in preparation for a test coming later. HomeworkEnglish 8: read act one scene four (as...
16 school days left English I Honors students went over last night’s homework of five sentences to analyze. We’ll be applying this in a more general manner next week. English 8 students continued working on their Anne Frank lit circles, though we...
18 school days left English I Honors had the EOC field test today. We’ll be having a quiz on chapters 21-30 tomorrow, so students need to make sure they’re ready for that. The actual EOC is not until Friday 19 May. English 8 students continued with...
19 school days left English 8 students continued with their lit circles for The Diary of Anne Frank. All students should now be done with act one scene two and all the accompanying work. English I Honors students went over their sentence homework in which they...
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