Schaffer and Irony

English 8 Strategies returned to writing as it’s Tuesday: we worked on a new Schaffer paragraph with the topic “The best part of the day is ______,” taking time only to write the first chunk and plan as a class potential second (and third and...
Counterclaims and Irony

Counterclaims and Irony

It being Monday, English 8 Strategies students returned to work on the argument, adding counterargument and rebuttal to our notes. Students have now covered all elements of the argument and will continue working to identify and create arguments. We began the process...
Irony and Literary Argument

Irony and Literary Argument

First and fourth periods looked at verbal, situational, and dramatic irony. We also looked at the story of “Peter and Rosa.” We got into groups of three and four and worked to get two examples of irony and two symbols in the text. Some students worked to...
Irony and Main Ideas

Irony and Main Ideas

First and fifth periods continued with the scaffolded work on determining a text’s main idea. We turned to a fictional text today, though it’s written in the style of a non-fictional report. progris riport 4-Mar 8 Their going to use me! Im so excited I can...