Symbolism, Irony, and Motifs

English 8 students started looking at themes in Nightjohn by looking at motifs in the early part of the work. English I Honors students began the final writing cycle for our short story unit, examining irony and symbolism in Dinesen’s “Peter and...

Overview and Poe

English 8 students continued with a short unit on irony and “The Tell-Tale Heart” for Halloween. We’ll be finishing it up early next week. English I Honors students went over the poetry test briefly, had a bit of an introduction to Shakespeare as...

Chapter 3 and the Final Analysis

English 8 students went through chapter 3 from Nightjohn after their article of the week work. We practiced retelling, doing individual retellings and a group retelling before we had our daily individual selection reading time. English I Honors began the final writing...
Back Again

Back Again

I’ve not been updating this web site all week because of a simple fact: I’ve been moving it to a new host, with three-times the resources. Things should be clicking along very well on the site now. Today, English I Honors looked closely at the first eight...