First and fifth periods worked with point of view in Charlie’s progress reports from “Flowers for Algernon.” Second and fourth periods began looking at one of the big questions of Romeo and Juliet: who is ultimately responsible for what happens to...
All periods had an extended quiz today. First and fifth periods had a quiz on main ideas in texts, commonly confused words (i.e., homonyms), and using quotes from sources in one’s own writing. Second and fourth periods had the act three quiz for Romeo and...
All periods worked on quizzes that they have coming up Monday. The practice quiz for first and fifth periods is right here. Their quiz on Monday will cover determination of the main idea of a text, use of direct quotes of sources in writing, and commonly confused...
First and fifth periods continued working with the passages dealing with Charlie’s co-workers’ behavior in “Flowers for Algernon.” We ended the day returning to quoting sources, using the following stem to help incorporate source material into...
First and fifth periods continued working on “Flowers for Algernon.” We’ll be returning to embedded quotes tomorrow, using our work today as a springboard. Both periods will have a quiz later this week on: Determining the main idea of a passage; and...
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