Socratic Traditions

First and fourth periods continued their Socratic Seminars on the n-word, with the coaches and speakers switching roles. Second and seventh periods had Socratic Seminars looking at the question of tradition. HomeworkEnglish I Honors:  Leave a post on your...
Participles and Arguments

Participles and Arguments

Today in first and fourth periods we got into groups and constructed arguments on the topic of Emmett Till and the Civil Rights Movement. Students used the three sources from yesterday to begin planning an argument with claim, reasons, and evidence, all with an eye on...
Mysterious Deaths and Jim Crow

Mysterious Deaths and Jim Crow

First and fourth periods discussed their first encounters with racism, then they divided into groups and read an informational text about Jim Crow Laws. We tried a new type of marking the text called “Say Something” as we worked on the anticipatory set for...