7 school days left 7 Today, first and fourth periods were given time to work on their Great Expectations research projects. The annotated bibliography for the project is due Friday; a hard copy must be turned in. Today second and seventh period were working and...
8 school days left 8 In first and fourth periods today, they went over three different ends to the book Great Expectations, officially ending our study of it. Then we also researched more for our annotated bibilography that is due Friday. For easy creation for...
10 school days left 10 First and fourth periods looked at annotated bibliographies today. We looked at an example of an annotated bibliography by Mr. Scott, and then discussed the requirements for our annotated bibliographies due next Friday (May 30th). The...
13 school days left 13 First and fourth periods learned about propaganda techniques today in preparation for the EOCEP Exam on Wednesday. Some of the techniques we learned were: bandwagon, testimonials, plain folks, appeal to authority, euphemism, glittering...
14 school days left 14 First and fourth periods continued their research project for Great Expectations. Students will have temporary access to the journal articles we’re using in class from this update. Today second and seventh were reading more of the...
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