First Day Back

First Day Back

English 8 students had a Socratic Seminar as the initiation of our newest and last substantial unit. We looked at a few questions about being a hero: What is it? What does a hero do? Who can be a hero? What sets a hero apart from “normal” people? What are some...

Ending and Almost Ending

5 school days left English I students finished Great Expectations, getting yet another chance for a bit of extra credit. English 8 students have almost finished The Diary of Anne Frank.  Students will be finishing tomorrow and having a final test on it on Tuesday...
Reading Day and Lit Circles

Reading Day and Lit Circles

19 school days left English 8 students continued with their lit circles for The Diary of Anne Frank. All students should now be done with act one scene two and all the accompanying work. English I Honors students went over their sentence homework in which they...