PASS Testing, Skimming, and Readers’ Journals

Due to PASS testing, first period did not have regular class today. Second period met during seventh period’s slot and we began The Giver. We read the first two pages and looked at how the reader’s response journals will work. Fourth period continued work...

Letters and Themes

First and seventh periods completed in-class work on a letter-writing project with schools across America. We used it as an opportunity to practice for tomorrow’s PASS test. Second period finished up the anticipatory set for The Giver. We’ll begin after...

Letters, Stories, and a Resolution

First and seventh periods had another informal practice PASS. We are participating in the Great American Mail race, and students wrote their first letters today. (First, seventh period finished up the work from yesterday regarding subject-verb agreement.) Second...
Subject-Verb Agreement and a New Journal

Subject-Verb Agreement and a New Journal

First, second, and seventh periods all finished up verbs (though seventh didn’t quite finish) by looking at subject-verb agreement. Fourth period went over the material from homework video on Dickens’ life. (Stills below)  It’s a great video for...

Final Practice and Research

18 Fourth and sixth periods went through their final rehearsals before filming. Second period had their final day of research, and first period worked on their animations. Homework First period: review due at the end of the week. Second period: dialogue due at the end...