Quiz, Bias, and Text Features

First period worked on graphical and typographic text elements and the effects they have on an informational text. Second and sixth periods worked on bias with sports article headlines. Fourth period took a quiz and reviewed the novel to this point. Homework First...

Main Idea and Point of View

First, second, and sixth periods all worked inferring the main idea of a text as well as the meaning of unknown words. We’ll continue working on it tomorrow. Fourth period continued with Great Expectations, looking at point of view and its effect on the...

Reseach and Point of View

First, second, and sixth periods began working on a research/informational-text unit in review for the PASS test coming in two weeks. We began gathering topics for a short presentation that will be given after testing. Fourth period continued with Great Expectations,...

Test and Characters

First period had a test on The Giver that turned out disastrously: we took it online at our Moodle site, and due to internet connectivity issues, several students lost half their test as they moved from one portion to another. Because there were so many problems with...