Arguments, Rebuttals, and Jaggers

First and fifth periods worked on choice debates. We’ll be having the debates later in the week; today we worked on the first scenario, fleshing out one side of the argument and beginning to work on the second side. The scenario we used is from Bargaining Games,...
Skimming and Planning Choices

Skimming and Planning Choices

First and fifth periods began learning the format of the journal entries we will be working on this final quarter (though they didn’t know that at the moment). We worked on using rationales to explain our choices. Second and fourth periods went over how to skim...
Miss Havisham and Choices

Miss Havisham and Choices

First and fifth periods continued with the new unit on choices. We’ll soon be shifting to an extended reading assignment that deals directly and specifically with choices. Second and fourth periods went over the most memorable character of the year, Miss...

Project Start and Unit Initiation

First and fifth periods began the choice unit. We looked at a piece on choice written in the Schaffer model and began looking at the question of what affects the significance of a given choice. Second and fourth periods continued working on Great Expectations. We...