Thursday Overview

First period completed the 1930 section of The Glory Field. We completed the plot chart and discussed the upward motion of the plot (how, even though Luvenia doesn’t get what she wants, she still gains something). Second period went over the escape in The Giver....

Reviewing Words, Notes, and Roles

First and seventh periods reviewed some vocabulary words, and we began looking at how we’ve used our reader’s journals over the weekend to summarize our reading. First period also began working on a review of the structure of a plot. Fourth period worked...

Reading Hints and Compound Sentences

First and seventh period used their reading journals as a method of keeping track of what they’ve read. Students have complained about not remembering what they read, so I decided to practice summarizing and make it a required element of the novel we’re...

Writing and Review

First and seventh period wrapped up the first fifty pages of The Glory Field. We’ll have a vocab quiz on Friday. Second period went over the chapter in The Giver in which Jonas learns that he is to be the new Receiver of Memory. Fourth period took a break from...

Grammar Day

First, second, and seventh periods went over linking verbs in a desperate attempt to get subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent agreement finished before the PASS writing test next week. We should finish up working on verbs tomorrow. Fourth period went over clauses, both...