

First and seventh periods went over segregation and integration in the South as presented in The Glory Field. We took a brief moment to look at the integration of the University of Alabama, as it served as a model for what Tommy Lewis is attempting to do in the book....
Paper Plates

Paper Plates

First and seventh periods spent a little time going over vocabulary. (We’ll have a vocab/spelling quiz Friday.) We had an activity called “Paper Plate Spelling.” The idea is simple: each group has 26 paper plates, each with one letter of the alphabet...

More Inferring and Grammar

First and seventh periods worked on The Glory Field’s fourth part, “April 1964.” The main character has just been offered an opportunity to be the first African American student at a local college. Myers makes reference to Marian Anderson, so we...

Inference, Motifs, and Point of View

First and seventh periods worked on inferences while beginning the next unit of The Glory Field. We also went over a few vocabulary words. Second period began preparing for a test on The Giver (which will be next Monday). We’ll be reading another science fiction...

Thursday Overview

First period completed the 1930 section of The Glory Field. We completed the plot chart and discussed the upward motion of the plot (how, even though Luvenia doesn’t get what she wants, she still gains something). Second period went over the escape in The Giver....