Speedy Friday Review

Quick homework review only today. Homework First and seventh periods: Vocabulary quiz Tuesday (whole list). First period: read through page 338. Seventh period: read through page 316. Second period: prepare dramatizations as necessary. Fourth period:...
Film, Intelligence, and Questions

Film, Intelligence, and Questions

First and seventh period finished up the 1964 section of The Glory Field. We’ll begin the final section tomorrow. Second period began Flowers for Algernon, looking at intelligence and empathy as well as inferences. Fourth period watched a film adaptation of...
A Test, Some Inferences, and Reading

A Test, Some Inferences, and Reading

First and seventh periods continued with The Glory Field. We continued working on our inference chart and began a plot diagram as well. Second period had a test on The Giver. I hope to have the essays graded by tomorrow. Fourth period read Great Expectations in class....
Fast Friday Update

Fast Friday Update

First and seventh periods had a quiz on vocabulary and did some reading. Second period did some group work and class discussion to prepare for the test on The Giver, which is on Monday. Fourth period went over coincidences in Great Expectations. I tried to impress...