Writing and Planning

First, fourth, and sixth periods were all doing in-class writing. Everyone is working to create class newsletters: first period on The Giver, fourth and sixth periods on Flowers for Algernon. First period will be going to the library tomorrow; fourth and sixth periods...
Articles, Concluding Antigone, and More Articles

Articles, Concluding Antigone, and More Articles

First period continued working the newpaper for The Giver. We examined this newspaper article about whoopie pies to see how reporters work quotes into their articles. We’ll be finishing up Friday in the library. Second period worked on dividing characters from...

Completion and Prepositions

I was out ill Thursday and Friday, hence the lack of progress reports. First period completed The Giver. We began a culminating project: a newspaper from Jonas’s community. Our publishing date will be approximately one week after Jonas leaves. We finished the...
PASS Test, Day 2

PASS Test, Day 2

First period completed subordinate/dependent clauses and complex sentences. Second period completed participles and gerunds, then continued with Antigone. Fourth period completed Algernon. Homework First period: complete handout on complex sentences and subordinate...

PASS Day One

We had no first or second period classes due to the PASS writing test. Fourth and sixth periods continued with Algernon. We’ll be finishing up this week.